Friday, January 15, 2010

Great White Sharks

Great Whites are one of the most feared fish in the ocean. The scientific name for it is 'Carcharodon carcharias'. They don't have bones like other fish, they have a cartilaginous skeleton. Great Whites are found in temperate (mild) waters fairly close to the shoreline. They are found in most parts of the world including North & South America, Africa, Japan, China, Russia, New Zealand and Australia. Sharks have a 'torpedo' shaped body, ideal for quick swimming. They have white bellys, hence their name, and have grey on the top which makes it hard to see them from above. Great Whites are between 3-5 metres long and weigh up to 1,200kgs. It's teeth are in rows and there can be up to 3,000 of them, each tooth is triangular shaped.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Introduction to my Blog

Hi my name is Ross, I'm typing this blog for my environmental studies class. I'm not very interested in fish but thought this would be a good idea to write and learn about. I don't even eat fish so this is really a new topic for me! Been fishing a few times...